About Me
- Name: Mim
- Location: Göteborg, Sweden
After spending the past 6 years in sunny Los Angeles, I have decided to move back home to Sweden, forever thought of as that dark and cold country in the north. My friends think I'm crazy, for who could possibly choose snow and ice over beaches and palmtrees? Well, let me show you why you should come visit!
At 13:58,
Anonymous said…
Önskar att jag såg lika fin ut utan smink. Gillar din klänning dömycket. Jag blir inspirerad att använda klänningar oftare tack vare dig!
At 02:17,
Anonymous said…
Nice Outfit ! ;D
At 08:33,
Anonymous said…
No need to excuse your face, you look great with out make-up on!
Var kan man få tag på en sådan vit topp med puff ärmar?
have a good one!
At 20:08,
Mim said…
muym: Klanningen kostade typ 249 kr pa H&M :) Vad kul att man kan inspirera nan!
camilla: Thankies :)
ellen: Nej, vad snall du ar! Toppen ar kopt pa Wet Seal, men for typ $7 men jag har tva liknande fran H&M :)
At 14:04,
Anonymous said…
Gaaah... Jättesnyggt!
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