No! She's NOT ok!!!

Lately I've seen a lot of bloggers writing about Kate Bosworth being too skinny and so on and there are ALWAYS someone who leaves a comment like "she's skinny but still looks natural" or "I want a body like that, she looks nice and healthy!" Urrm, excuse me??? Take one look at these pics and there's no way you can come back and say A: She looks healthy or
B: It looks natural!
Are ya kiddin' me??
I know that some people are born skinny but in those cases the body actually looks proportional and not as skeletal. Now, if you still want a body like hers, I suggest you go talk to someone and get help. I not mocking you, but I know the situation and you really do need help if this is your idea of a healthy body.
Pics: Splash News
At 00:07,
Anonymous said…
I agree, totally.
I whish people would react more on these things. Unfortunately way to many people in showbiz think of this type of body frame as, if not healthy, then good looking and selling. And once stuck in an eating disorder, you need a lot of help to get out. If you get out.
When we, the consumers, stop buying this sick BS I think we'll be heading the right way, the healthy way.
At 03:56,
Anonymous said…
Oh, Jisses!! Hon VAR naturligt SMAL innan och jättesöt, nu ser hon vanvettigt sjuk ut! Värre än Nicole tycker jag :( Hoppas hon får hjälp snarast.
At 05:56,
Anonymous said…
Det där ser sjukt ut, inte normalt. Usch! Det är skrämmande att det finns tjejer som vill se ut så:(
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