Finally Bloggtoppen :)
I finally got this thing with, for you people who (like me up until a week ago) have no idea what this is about, the deal seems to be that you register your blog (only for Swedishblogs/blogs with a connection to Sweden) and then you can see how many visitors you get and what people think of your blog. I'm really curious to see what you guys think of my blog so feel very free to leave comments ;)
Make no mistake, I'll still keep writing whatever I feel like but you guys might have some good suggestions, compliments or critisim, I do not censure anyone. Thank you :)
Make no mistake, I'll still keep writing whatever I feel like but you guys might have some good suggestions, compliments or critisim, I do not censure anyone. Thank you :)
At 12:03,
Anonymous said…
Jag gillar din blogg. You're cute and you've got fab dresses (-:
At 14:48,
Anonymous said…
Varför är du inte här hemma hos mig å fikar å snackar skit? å lite känslor å sånt förstås... va ska ja göra me mitt liv egentligen? ok, för att inte vara för sentimental...snart hörru, snart syns vi igen! ;)puuuuss!!!
At 15:17,
M said…
Yay, du har joinat den mörka sidan på bloggtoppen :D
At 17:26,
Mim said…
mimo: Tack sa jattemycket!
kicki: Jag veeet, varfor ar jag inte det?? Ringer dig imorgon da gumman! Bara typ...6 veckor kvar, 5 om vi arundar nerat vilket kanns valdigt logiskt :) PUSS!
misha: Yes! Fast jag ar tydligen inte aktiv annu...Hmmm..
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