Countdown about me...
10 first:
First best friend: Joakim.
First car: Still waiting’ for it...
First love: Real love? My husband no doubt...
First pet: 2 guineapigs, Mums and Smask
First vacation: Probably Oland w/ my grandparents
First job: Waitress
First CD: Ace of Base?
First piercing: Ears
First concert: Carola
9 last:
Last alcoholic beverage: No clue, it was 6 months ago...
Last car-trip: Going to Beverly center
Last movie: Behind Enemy Lines
Last phonecall: Trying to talk to my dad, then discovered I didn’t have a voice
Last time in a jacuzzi: Boras with my friends
Last played CD: No clue...
Last kiss: Last night from my husband
Last time I cried: uuhm...a week ago?
Last meal: Is Gatorade a meal?
Dated your best friend? Yes
Been arrested? Nope
Fallen in love at first sight? Not my thing, it grows on me
Been on TV? Yes, several times
Had your heart broken? Yes
Told someone you loved them and not meant it? Whenever I say it, I mean it
Had a one-night-stand? Nope
Made a prank call ? Oh heeeell yeah!
1. Headband
2. Earrings
3. Skirt
5. T-shirt
6. Shoes
7. Underwear
1. Woken up
2. Tried my voice (still not back)
3. Checked if H is awake (yeah right)
4. Read my blogs
5. Gotten dressed
6. Watched a movie
1. My guineapigs Teddy & Fluffy
2. My movies
3. My clothes
4. My plane ticket to go home
5. My Ipod
1. H
2. Cissi
3. Kicki
4. Vicki
Black or white? White
Summer or winter? Summer.
Chocolate or chips? Are u kiddin’ I’m the biggest chocoholic!
2 things I wanna do before I die.
1. Travel around the world
2. Have a family
1. Actually....nothing big enough to mention
At 11:16,
Anonymous said…
Du är utmanad - kolla på min blogg!
At 14:07,
Anonymous said…
Tankte "lana" din lista, hoppas att dte ar okey. Jag lanker till dig.
At 16:47,
Mim said…
johanna: Det ar lungt :)
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