Favourite thing in my closet right now: Hmmm... I think my blue Chloe dress
Would like to switch wardrobes with: Right now, Lindsay Lohan or come to think of it, Rachel Zoe wouldn’t be so bad :)
Style tip: A big smile makes the ugliest clothes look like haute couture
My style is: Girlie and very “me”
Most common color on my clothes: White, blue and red (ew, how American did THAT sound, I’m adding black and pink just for the sake of it)
This summer I’ll be dressed in: Plenty of gorgeous dresses, flats and platforms, very 50’s and 60’s.
But absolutely not in: Leopard print
Right now I smell like: Honeysuckles, cause I have one in my hair, Otherwise I smell like Paris
Favourite model: Lily Cole, a cliché by now, but she’s so beautiful and different.
Pants or skirt? Skirt!
I have this many shoes: Ok, I’m only gonna count the ones I have here in LA so... 18 pairs...that I’m using....on this side of the ocean...
Everyday makeup: Mascara, lipgloss
Party makeup: Eyeshadow, mascara, lipgloss and blush
Makeup-tip: Go natural baby, makeup should be used to bring out your natural beauty, not change the way you look.
If I could have one piece of clothing, one bag and a pair of shoes for free I’d pick: Oh mon dieu! For the clothing I was gonna go for Lindsay’s Marchesa dress, but something more useful would be this one from Michael Kors. The bag would be a Bayswater *surprise* and these shoes, oh, I’ve been wanting those forever! Nobody makes shoes like Christian Louboutin.
Me in 3 words: Big-hearted, all-over-the-place and, dare I say it...funny?
My workout: Gym a few times a week, long walks and weights
My childhood dream: Actress, and hey, that’s what I’m here to try and fulfill!
At 06:13,
Anonymous said…
Du stavar inte jättebra på engelska och verkar bara ha svenska läsare... Kanske dax att blogga på svenska istället?
At 06:54,
Anonymous said…
Så hur går det med skådespelardrömmarna?
At 07:12,
Anonymous said…
Är så avis på din Chloe-klänningen :)
At 09:12,
Anonymous said…
Dee: du kanske ska lära dig att stava på svenska? :) Dax.. är det ens ett ord? Det heter inte DAGS då? :)
Galet härlig blogg! Denna kommer jag fortsätta att läsa.
At 10:55,
Anonymous said…
Vilken härlig klänning, förstår att det är en favorit! :)
At 11:06,
Anonymous said…
oh come on!! skulle de va nåt fel på leopardmönstrat??!!! ;)
puss puss miss u
At 12:34,
Mim said…
dee: Peka garna ut vad som ar felstavat, jag skriver ofta som jag pratar, sa det ar inte alltid grammatiskt korrekt men jag hoppas du forstar vad jag menar. Och jag har amerikanska lasare, de vagar bara inte kommentera :)
eleonora: Efter OC ar jag mycket mer sporrad :)
cicci: Love it!
andrea: Kul att du gillar bloggen!
stina: Tack :)
vickis: Inget fel alls babe, pa andra! Men arligt talat, kan du se MIG i det? ;)
At 13:53,
Anonymous said…
hihi nä kanske inte... haha gonatt going.. för nu ska jag sova! du e grym! pusss puss
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