Golden globes
My co-worker J said something very interesting yesterday: "When I lived in Chicago I would follow the award shows religiously, now I barely glance at the day after..."
I can't help but feeling the same way, when living in Sweden, I would stay up all night watching the Oscars to see the beautiful people dress up in beautiful clothes and who got which award, but now, when the Golden Globes last night happened literally down the street from where we live I didn't even think twice about staying home watching a movie with my husband! Jaded? Naah....
Anyway, just because I didn't see it IRL doesn't mean I don't have an opinion on the dresses :)
Best of GG:
Emily Blunt (seen recently in Devil wears Prada) wears vintage Hervé Léger and looks absolutely gorgeous in it! We will definatley be seeing more of her soon
Angelina is of course wearing St. John (for which she is the poster girl) and I'm not usually a fan of their clothing but I really like the colour and the fall of this dress. Oh, and Brad is actually wearing a suit by Swedish designer J. Lindeberg!

Reese is the absolute winner in my book, normally I'm all for wearing an actual evening gown whenever you have the chance but she really scored right on this time in one of my favourite designs, Nina Ricci!
Ever since they started making dresses, I've been a big fan of Marchesa, and apparently, so is Sienna, love the metallics with white!
Very plain, I know, but I'm still a sucker for the perfect cream-coloured gown...
Lorraine Nicholson has a habit of picking beautiful, simple dresses and she's not about to stop now!
Well, there couldn't be a best if there wasn't a worst, you all knew it was coming:
The worst of GG:
Oh sweet mother, what are you wearing??? I know it's Chanel and god knows they normally know how to make a gown but this cotton-candy-disaster does not deserve to bear their name...

I've never really like Nicolette's style and this dress just doesn't do it for me... It doesn't flatter her, she doesn't flatter the dress, just... NO!

Oh Cameron, we know the break-up has been tough but don't drown your sorrows in tiers of tulle! In theory it might have been a good idea for a gown but it really just doesn't work!
Go home and eat a tub of B&J like the rest of us...
I can't help but feeling the same way, when living in Sweden, I would stay up all night watching the Oscars to see the beautiful people dress up in beautiful clothes and who got which award, but now, when the Golden Globes last night happened literally down the street from where we live I didn't even think twice about staying home watching a movie with my husband! Jaded? Naah....
Anyway, just because I didn't see it IRL doesn't mean I don't have an opinion on the dresses :)
Best of GG:

Reese is the absolute winner in my book, normally I'm all for wearing an actual evening gown whenever you have the chance but she really scored right on this time in one of my favourite designs, Nina Ricci!

Well, there couldn't be a best if there wasn't a worst, you all knew it was coming:
The worst of GG:

I've never really like Nicolette's style and this dress just doesn't do it for me... It doesn't flatter her, she doesn't flatter the dress, just... NO!

Oh Cameron, we know the break-up has been tough but don't drown your sorrows in tiers of tulle! In theory it might have been a good idea for a gown but it really just doesn't work!
Go home and eat a tub of B&J like the rest of us...
At 09:52,
Anonymous said…
Hihi, Oscarsgalan är ju kultförklarad, i alla fall för mig o mina vänner! Vi fixar nybakat bröd, lyxiga pålägg, "guld-te" o allt annat studentbudget-lyxigt man kan tänka sig o sitter uppe hela natten! Underbart!:) Spännande att läsa om LA i din blogg, hade varit roligt om du skrev ännu mer om ditt jobb, verkar riktigt kul! MVH Bella
At 14:03,
Mim said…
bella: Precis sa var det for mig med nar jag bodde i Sverige, det var speciellt liksom! Kul att du har hittat hit, ska forsoka skriva mer om jobbet :)
At 10:31,
Anonymous said…
men!! jag kan ju inte se worstbilderna!! bara nicolette!
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