Devil wears Prada, but she's not very convincing...

So I just watched "The Devil Wears Prada" (I know, I'm so late!) and I have to agree with most reviews I've read, it didn't live up to my expactations... I love Ms Bambi-eyes Anne Hathaway
and Simon Baker was made for the part as the spoiled yet smart writer Christian (plus he also completely reminds me of a friend of mine from Sweden, I'm sure you heard that plenty of times, J!)
I'm a big fan of the book (Lauren Weisberger's language is brilliant!) and of course I realized they were gonna have to cut out some parts of it to not make the movie too complicated, I can even sorta understand why they changed Lily's and and Nate's (Adrien is so cut out for that part!) professions (uumm...why did they have to change his name??? Does it really make that much of a difference if he's called Nate or Alex??? They only say his name about 3 times or so...Jeez... All the other characters have the same name as in the book).
But the whole story, I mean besides the whole "life-is-hell-working-for-dragonlady-but-I'm-gonna-do-it-and-neglect-my-family-just-for-now"-thing, nothing is the same! The whole plot of the book is gone! The most disappointing thing is when Andie quits, in the book, that's a big deal, you notice it, she tells Miranda to go to hell and we love her for it, but in the movie she silently slips out of the car and walks away....Ooooh, drama!!!
And, on top of it all, Anna Wintour, oops I mean Miranda, is...human! She almost cries for f**k sake! Other than that I think Meryl Streep does the part very well, just a little colder would have been good...
All in all: I'd give it a 3/5
Pics: Yahoo
At 12:54,
Anonymous said…
jag har inte sett den än, men den kommer ut på dvd snart så jag måste se den då! synd att den inte fick mer än 3 av 5... men jag vill se den ändå ;)
At 07:29,
Mim said…
mandy: Jag vet, jag hade hort att den inte skulle va sadar jattebra men jag villa anda se den :)
At 06:35,
Anonymous said…
j'ai trouvé pour ma part que le livre était pas mal!!j'ai bcp apreciée!j'attend juste de le voir en dvd et jsp bien que je ne serais pa decu!!voilà!gros bisous a tous le monde!mm si vous comprendrez peut etr e pas ce que j'ecris!pas grv ;)
At 06:36,
Anonymous said…
heu, sachez qu'en france, a paris il est 15h35!(in Paris the time is 3:35pm :))lol
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