KJL again...
Ok, just so you guys know, if you'd like to make a request about the KJL jewelry, you're gonna have to email me, I've tried to keep track of of y'alls email addresses but it is just sooo much easier and clearer if you email me.
No, I'm not trying to climb up on a higher horse than you but if you really want to be sure to get in contact with me, it really is the best way, alright :)
Email: la-sweden@hotmail.com
No, I'm not trying to climb up on a higher horse than you but if you really want to be sure to get in contact with me, it really is the best way, alright :)
Email: la-sweden@hotmail.com
At 12:30,
Anonymous said…
Åh det där äppel halsbandet skulle sitta bra fint...
Vet du vart man kan få tag i det billigt?
At 12:35,
Anonymous said…
Ojoj. Läste nu igenom tidigare inlägg. Du kan skicka till Sverige? Verkligen super gulligt av dej!
Jag är intreserad av ett äpple. Men först måstejag vänta på lön :)
At 10:07,
Mim said…
anonym: Yup, jag skickar till Sverige :) Maila bara mig pa la-sweden@hotmail.com
sa fixar vi det!
At 12:39,
Anonymous said…
Jag har mailat dig angående shipping hitåt av jordgubben o äpplet hoppas du har fått mailet?
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