What do I want for fall?

I love shopping for fall! I mean, I know a lot of you guys in Sweden don't really think that fall and winter happens over here but hey, it goes down to a solid +15 C on winter nights, so there!
Anyway, that just means that I can walk out in a nice sweaterdress, knit tights, gorgeous coat (even open to show off the dress) and cute little shoes, instead of having to worry about keeping warm enough with thick poofy jackets, gloves that make your hands look twice their size and a hat to mess up your hair.
For this fall it's gonna be a lot about the volume on skinny, such as skinny jeans, volume top, a nice pair of pumps/ankleboots and top it off with a belt. Other than that simple look, we're getting a lot of patent, animal print, fur and very fitted and dressy fashion.
So this is some things I've been checking out in my local stores,
lets start with the shoes:
How about these little suede Isaac Mizrahi balleina flats? Comes in black, red and leopard.
I don't think ankleboots suit me (yet, I might change my mind if I find the right pair), but these, slightly taller ones might just work with a cute dress.
For fall, I really love darker earth-colors and matte materials such as suede and velvet, wherefor I love these and these gorgoues peep-toe pumps!

When it comes to bags this Marc Jacobs-dream is the ultimate one for me this fall, I adore patent! Shoes, bags belts, I love it!
And of course the clothes! As we all know dresses are still high up on the what-to-wear lists and fortunately, I love dresses :)
This one just feels really relaxed and I love grey for the fall!
I've been thinking about this beauty for a while now, red is definately a favourite color of mine and I think you can never have too many red dresses :)
Anna Sui always comes up with amazing stuff. 60's black and white is gonna be big for me this fall.
And from my favourite Mr. Marc Jacobs comes this wonderful backless dress.
Another thing I love about fall is that you get to wear cute little jackets and coates.
*Puh* I think that has to be it for now, but I'm not by far done talking about fall fashion, I mean lets not forget accessories, cute little sweaters, blouses and cardigans!
Pics: Urban Outfitters, Ebay, Net a Porter
At 23:23,
Anonymous said…
"ida" den grå klänning från Marc Jacobs var ju underbar. Synd bara att jag själv tycker att jag inte passar i grått ;) Får försöka omvärdera det kanske om det kommer en massa söta kläder i grått.
At 02:58,
Anonymous said…
Läste hos engla att du hade skickat ett halbnad jag undra om du kunde skicka en sak till mig om du bor i usa? för ja skulle köpa den så var den slut överallt :( jag jag vill verkligen ha den. Om du kan det vore det jätte gulligt om du kunde kontankta mig på Liiten__@hotmail.com
tack på förhand/Helen
At 09:16,
Mim said…
ida: Forsoka duger! Jag tror att alla passar i gratt, leta bara efter ratt plagg och nyans :)
helen: Lattare om du mejlar mig pa
At 12:18,
Anonymous said…
Det kanske har blivit lite tröttsamt att svara på Jordgubb/Äpple halsband frågor...
Har du lust att säga vad ett grönt äpple kostar? Om du vet...
At 12:53,
Mim said…
anonym: Billigaste jag har hittat hittills ar $80 :)
At 13:02,
Anonymous said…
Tack, då vet jag och alla som undrar! :)
At 07:38,
corinne148 & Daniel Lindell said…
Hej Mimi!
Jag skickade ett mail till dig för några dagar sen om tröjan. Ville bara höra om du fått det?
Skriv till mig på corinne148@hotmail.com
ha det bra!
kram Corinne
At 03:55,
SARA, said…
Vilken trevlig text om höstmodet, jag tror som du att det blir mycket lager-på-lager. Älskar hela volymgrejen också. Nu vill jag att det ska vara höst :)
At 10:01,
Mim said…
sara: Ja visst ar det lite konstigt men man langtar ju faktiskt efter hosten nar man ser kappor, stovlar och murriga farger i butikerna aven om solen fortfarande skiner :)
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