You asked for it...
So you guys have been bugging me (j/k!) about pics from my latest finds and now I finally got my camera so here they are, don't be afraid to give your opinion!
Love the black and white and adore the Peter Pan collar! Very 60's

What can I say, pockets are my thing

Cute little find from a couple of days ago, purple polkadot with a tie in the back and puff sleeves (I'm a sucker for puff sleeves), will look sooo adorable with a little cardigan and boots or ballerinas this fall

Falls first sweaterdress! Beautiful charcoal grey with a cowlneck, puff sleeves (told ya!) and a really cute belt

Gorgeous classy midnightblue silkdress with almost invisible navy pokladots, little ruffles and covered buttons that you can button all the way up the neck or leave open like in the pic. Oh, did I mention it has puff sleeves ;) ?

I wrote about this one yesterday but you wanted ot see it on so here it is!

This one I bought for my birthday, it's 100% silk and you can never have too many red dresses and backless is just beautiful to me!

I finally got my own Princess-dress but unfortunately it's quite big on me :(

This little striped number totally reminds me of Rachel Bilsons dress that she wore in the beginning of summer

Lace bubble-dress, love at first sight!

And of course, let's not forget the shoes:
Really wonderful (and sooo comfartable and soft) dark brown boots and the cutest ballerinas!

Love the black and white and adore the Peter Pan collar! Very 60's

What can I say, pockets are my thing

Cute little find from a couple of days ago, purple polkadot with a tie in the back and puff sleeves (I'm a sucker for puff sleeves), will look sooo adorable with a little cardigan and boots or ballerinas this fall

Falls first sweaterdress! Beautiful charcoal grey with a cowlneck, puff sleeves (told ya!) and a really cute belt

Gorgeous classy midnightblue silkdress with almost invisible navy pokladots, little ruffles and covered buttons that you can button all the way up the neck or leave open like in the pic. Oh, did I mention it has puff sleeves ;) ?

I wrote about this one yesterday but you wanted ot see it on so here it is!

This one I bought for my birthday, it's 100% silk and you can never have too many red dresses and backless is just beautiful to me!

I finally got my own Princess-dress but unfortunately it's quite big on me :(

This little striped number totally reminds me of Rachel Bilsons dress that she wore in the beginning of summer

Lace bubble-dress, love at first sight!

And of course, let's not forget the shoes:
Really wonderful (and sooo comfartable and soft) dark brown boots and the cutest ballerinas!

At 01:26,
Anonymous said…
Åh vilka klänningar! Blir aningen AVIS!!!
At 01:34,
Anonymous said…
Åh vilka fina fynd!!
At 01:35,
Anonymous said…
Hm, det var från mig, namnet försvann :)!
At 01:39,
Anonymous said…
You are such a dress freak (-:
At 01:55,
Mim said…
engla: Fast en av klanningarna har du ju redan :)
cicci: Tack!
mimo: I know :)
At 04:43,
Anonymous said…
du har ju inte brist på klänningar iaf :) själv har jag typ tre st som jag haft i hur många år har ju inte direkt väder för klänningar i sverige tycker jag :D
At 07:56,
Anonymous said…
Jättesnygga klänningar och skor. Spec. den vita korta klänningen, är underbar.
At 08:28,
Anonymous said…
Åh vilka snygga grejer!
At 08:58,
Anonymous said…
me want shoooes.. *drools* nu har jag listat mina favvo bloggar :) och jag vill ha skorna.. ge mig doom? (A)
At 08:58,
Anonymous said…
me want shoooes.. *drools* nu har jag listat mina favvo bloggar :) och jag vill ha skorna.. ge mig doom? (A)
At 11:33,
Anonymous said…
Vilka vackra fynd du har gjort.. och bara klänningar. Önskar jag bar klänningar oftare. Men du passar verkligen i klänningar.Den röda var gorgeous! Och dina boots, var köpte du de? De var riktigt läckra. By the way.. fler bilder. Detta var jätteroligt!
At 12:14,
Mim said…
nadja: Nja, just nu ar det nog battre klanningsvader har, *harkel-32-grader-och-sol*
camilla: Den vita ar absolut en favorit!
sandra: Tack!
andrea: Tack! Och kul att du har listat mig :)
muym: Tack sa mycket, alskar den roda :) Bootsen ar fran Din Sko faktiskt! Sa skona och mjuka sa det ar inte sant!
At 18:35,
Frida said…
Underbara grejer =)
At 12:23,
Anonymous said…
What??! Din Sko, jag trodde du skulle säga nån fancy amerikansk affär. Då får man kolla in de. Det vill säga om de fortfarande finns kvar.
At 12:23,
Anonymous said…
What??! Din Sko, jag trodde du skulle säga nån fancy amerikansk affär. Då får man kolla in de. Det vill säga om de fortfarande finns kvar.
At 12:36,
Anonymous said…
Å vad jag gillar din Sweaterdress! Var får man tag på en sån???
At 12:58,
Mim said…
frida: Tack :)
cilly_cicci: Tack gumman! Sag till om jag kan ta hem nat till dig :)
muym: Nope, gamla goa Din Sko hade mina dromstovlar i ar :)
idasan: Jag kopte min pa Forever 21 :)
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