Simply me, a Swede in LA

It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

Where's Rachel when you need her?

Ok, so we all know that Lindsay really can't put an outfit together without Rachel Zoe at hand but those shoes?!? I mean, come on people! The first thing that comes to mind is my grandfather's dress shoes (Don't take it the wrong way Gramps, they look great on you), but on La Lohan? *yuck*

Update: I actually think that it might be the same shoes that she wore with yet another horrific outfit back in May. You are not allowed to make the same mistake twice with the same little piece of fashion disaster!!! Oh yeah, and the leather shorts are Chanel btw, can you believe it???


  • At 10:44, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Det första som flög egenom huvudet är sådana där avklippta gummistövles galoscher :)


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