
So freakin' funny! Paris, Nicole, La Lohan and the Olsen twins saving the world...
Note: If you look up to any of the Hollywood it-girls and are so sensitive that you can't joke about them; Please look at this link and tell me what you think :)
Pics: Egotastic
At 01:50,
Anonymous said…
Den var verkligen rolig! :D
At 06:19,
Anonymous said…
Haha, fin bild.
At 06:38,
Anonymous said…
Ville bara tala om att Harmony finns att köpa på HM´s hemsida. Vet att du var intresserad! Men det är mestadels akryl, inte de fina material man trodde det skulle bli...
At 10:15,
Mim said…
malin: Hehe, I know :)
linn: Visst ar den! Alskar Nics glasogon :)
alinde: Iiiihh!! Tack tack tack, ska genast kolla in!
At 10:17,
Mim said…
alinde: Men hey, lovade inte H&M oss att det skulle vara material som silke, cashmere, mohair mm.? Ocksa bestar det mesta av typ 80% akryl! Fusk ju...
At 13:59,
Kine said…
I looked at it a few days ago, and I think it was hilarious, especially Paris Hilton: "That's hot!"
At 12:33,
Anonymous said…
haha :D
At 05:43,
Anonymous said…
Hahahahaha omg så roligt (-:
At 02:04,
Mim said…
kine: She's so much fun to make fun of :)
sow: Hihi!
mimo: Visst ar den bra!
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