About Me
- Name: Mim
- Location: Göteborg, Sweden
After spending the past 6 years in sunny Los Angeles, I have decided to move back home to Sweden, forever thought of as that dark and cold country in the north. My friends think I'm crazy, for who could possibly choose snow and ice over beaches and palmtrees? Well, let me show you why you should come visit!
At 10:01,
Kine said…
Nice picture! The make up looks great and I love the top and the whole setting! :)
At 14:10,
Anonymous said…
Hallå! Kan du få tag i Steven Shein halsband? Trevlig kväll!
At 07:21,
Anonymous said…
hallå pluttan, hur står de till? använder du alls din mail nu för tiden...? :/ saknar dig...
At 10:53,
Mim said…
kine: I know, she really looks good in this one!
anonym: Ska nog ga, de verkar kosta runt $100 lite beroende pa vilket du vill ha...
kicki: Alsklingen! Jag har fatt dina mail och ringer dig nan dag SNART! *sakna*
At 19:57,
Taj said…
she does look gorgeous
At 11:51,
Anonymous said…
Hej, har mailat dig om KJL halsband, tänkte bara se om du fått det :)
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