Simply me, a Swede in LA

It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Lindsey sober? Aha, whatever!

So there's been this huge commotion about Svedka Vokda sponsoring
La Lohan's 21st birthday bash. Why? Because Linds is in AA and is a sober alcoholic *Hrrm* ok, if you say so, but I've seen her out and about and let me put it this way, she is not exactly drinking water! Yes, she is officially still in AA (and I do appriciate her trying I do, my friend J is an alcoholic, tho sober for 9 months now and I've seen how hard it's been for him to quit), but she's still drinking, doing coke and smoking pot, I feel like she's only mocking AA!
For shaaaame...

Pic: Hollywood Rag


  • At 08:42, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hmm.. well after what happened last night, hopefully she and her "friends" and family will take her problem more seriously and she will actually get the help she so desperately needs...

  • At 08:44, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    on a side note.. samantha ronson and lindsay are definitely more than just friends

  • At 09:28, Blogger Mim said…

    nicole: Yeah I really hope she'll get some help, esp if she wants to live thru her 25th b-day, on a side note, yeah, r u kidding me? They're doing it...

  • At 08:04, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    oj har du en kompis som tar droger, läskigt :/

  • At 09:25, Blogger Mim said…

    lovisa: Typ alla roker marijuana har borta men ja, jag kanner folk som haller pa eller har hallt pa med tyngre grejer, det ar dock inget for mig.

  • At 02:17, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    fördomer ingen, är bara nyfiken.
    känns det inte sorgligt att se kompisar påverkade? blir man inte totalt nerbryten? eller marijuana kanske inte är lika farligt som andra saker.
    du behöver inte svara om du inte vill, tycker bara att det är spännande (ibland skrämmande) med så annorlunda kulturer.

  • At 08:55, Blogger Mim said…

    lovisa: I borjan var det absolut en chock da jag tycker att marijuana absolut klassas som en mer allvarlig drog an alkohol, men jag tanker sa har: Det ar deras liv, det ar inget jag kan andra pa och allt jag kan gora som kompis ar att forsoka halla dom borta fran tyngre grejer och farliga situationer. De jag umgas med roker visserligen pa da och da men de far inte panik efter nasta "kick" eller sa, de beskriver det som att de tar ett bloss istallet for en drink (for manga av de dricker faktiskt inte), kanns konstigt att det ar sa accepterat men det ar som sagt valdigt olika kulturer! Hoppas du fick lite klarhet :)

  • At 10:02, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    jorå:) tack så mkt för svaret.

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