My first official styling job!

Ok, so pretty much what I do everyday is shop for other people, sometimes for a gift, sometimes "I need a cute top to go with these pants"-kinda thing, and once in a while somebody will come in and say "I need a completely new wardrobe" meaning everything from underwear to a coat, and trust me, I love my job, it's always a challenge!
Today however, one of my regulars come in, she works for a record company and comes in all the time looking for clothes for her clients and today she brought with her Emma Anzai of Sick Puppies (an Aussi indie rock band, which I- to be honest- never heard of besides the Free Hugs film, if you haven't seen it you have to! It's too sweet, such a simple thing can bring so much happiness), anyway she needed an outfit for tomorrows (April 5th everybody!) Jay Leno show, so I picked one out for her and now I'm rediculously excited to see it on air tomorrow night!!!
At 05:08,
Anonymous said…
oj vilket roligt jobb!:D
fast jag förstår inte varför man vill skippa nöjet att shoppa själv:P, det är ju roligt ju.
At 13:31,
Anonymous said…
AH! jag behöver din hjälp! Jag har förstått att du handlar ofta på Forever21 och nu ska även jag göra det :) (mamma åker till new york)
Men om jag är en 36:a i vanliga h&m-storlekar, ska jag ta small eller medium i toppar och klänningar då?
tacksam för snabbt svar!
At 20:16,
Mim said…
lovisa: Eller hur? Men det har ar folk som shoppar varje dag och blir uttrakade av att ga runt i affaren...typ :)
anonym: Jag hade nog tagit small (om du inte vill ha de lite losare) och medium om det t ex ar en klanning med dragkedja i sidan.Har du daremot lite storre byst hade jag nog tagit medium rakt igenom. Hoppas det hjalper! :)
At 00:45,
El said…
Hey, how did it go?! I'm not sure when they'll air the show here, so I need you to tell me all about it!
Happy E!
At 16:02,
Mim said…
ellen: It was awsome! I've put the video up :) Happy Easter to u too!
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