Simply me, a Swede in LA

It's so simple to be wise. Just think of something stupid to say and then don't say it.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

To my friends

I was watching the last 2 episodes of Sex & the City today and as always, it made me think about two of my best friends, K & V, I see a little bit of us three in all these girls and we've gone through so much together, and we're always there for each other!

Little did we know when we watched the finale episode of SATC that it'd soon be happening for real. They were very supportive when they found out I was going to move, but of course we were all sad to be separated, but you know girls, there's always a happy reunion at the end!

I miss you...


  • At 06:13, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    jaha nu sitter väl ja här å lipar...hoppas på den där reunionen oroa dig inte, ja kommer alltid älska dig lika mycke, var på jorden vi än bor! saknar dig!! så himla mycke....

  • At 07:38, Blogger Mim said…

    "k": Tro mig, det gjorde jag ocksa! Alskar dig gumman! "Bara" 4 manader tills vi ses igen...

  • At 07:52, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    jag skulle precis skriva samma som "k"... lipar!!! fan.. jag ryser i hela kroppen.... kom hem snart... älskar dig!! de e så mycket du missar eller vi med såklart..
    puss puss puss puss puss puss puss

  • At 21:29, Blogger Mim said…

    "v": Alskar er ocksa, kanns som jag missar vara basta ar liksom :( *sakna*


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