Supermodels at night...
A few days ago I wrote an entry on Heidi Klum without makeup, now, she didn't look too hot there but look at these pics:

The first person that came to my mind was Keri Russel, she looks pretty and young I think!
Then take a look at one of my favourite models, Gisele Bundchen,
Without all the makeup, I think her skin looks old and you can clearly see what smoking has done to her skin and lips!
What do you guys think?
Pics: Splash News

The first person that came to my mind was Keri Russel, she looks pretty and young I think!
Then take a look at one of my favourite models, Gisele Bundchen,

What do you guys think?
Pics: Splash News
At 23:46,
Anonymous said…
Ja, se där hon är gorgeous utan smink med =) Jag hade minsann inte sett så snygg ut, nyduschat o allt. Håller med dig om Gisele.. måste vara allt solande samt rökningen.
At 08:49,
Anonymous said…
Jo, hon ser söt ut, men samtidigt helt vanlig, som vem som helst, ingen supermodel! Gisele ser sliten ut, hur gammal är hon?
At 09:56,
Mim said…
muym: Ja det ar hon faktiskt!
cicci: Ringer dig ikvall! Puss!
alinde: Gisele ar faktiskt bara 26 (fyller 27 i ar!) jag hade tippat pa 35 minst utifran de har bilderna...
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