Velvet on a budget? Hell yeah!

I've been looking at this little beauty for a long time but $83 is a lot of money for such a simple dress, so obviously I was thrilled to find that Wet Seal recently came out with an almost identical dress! The best part? 100% cotton (just like the Velvet one) and only $7.99 on sale!!! Need I say that I ordered one in each lovely color?
Pics: Wet Seal, Revolve Clothing
At 17:39,
Frida said…
Åh vad härligt skön den ser ut!
At 03:57,
Anonymous said…
Åh, nu blir jag störtavis! Skickar dom till Sverige månntro? Vill HA!!
At 09:09,
Anonymous said…
Tyckte nästan att de från Wet Seal var snyggare.
At 09:46,
Mim said…
frida: Det ar den! Riktigt mysig :)
alinde: Nej de skickar tyvarr inte internationellt :( Buu!
muym: Man kan ju hoppas *hehe*
At 01:27,
Anonymous said…
Åh lucky girl!
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