About Me
- Name: Mim
- Location: Göteborg, Sweden
After spending the past 6 years in sunny Los Angeles, I have decided to move back home to Sweden, forever thought of as that dark and cold country in the north. My friends think I'm crazy, for who could possibly choose snow and ice over beaches and palmtrees? Well, let me show you why you should come visit!
At 16:16,
Anonymous said…
she kind of looks like Anne Hathaway there?
At 02:52,
Anonymous said…
hej! jag ska snart över till staterna och tänkte fråga om lite inside info ;) hur mycket kostar tex kjl äpple/jordgubbe i usa? och en mike&chris tröja? =) tack på förhand, svara gärna i min blogg så jag hittar ditt svar. ha en bra dag!
At 07:53,
Anonymous said…
I agree, she doesn't look her age. I'm not a big fan of red and black so I think the pics are rather dull. But i definetly like her her. So cute.
At 08:34,
Anonymous said…
Är du Henry's donna eller misstar jag mig?
At 11:17,
Mim said…
katrinaxoxo: Thank you, THAT'S who she looks like! I was trying to think of it!
sorbonne: I like her too but I'm not sure about the hair...
pontus: Inget misstag har inte! It's me :) Halsa din snalla Annelie fran mig!
At 08:43,
Anonymous said…
Nice blog. Hälsa Henry att bilderna från i somras var riktigt snygga :) Tar gärna hans email vid tillfälle.
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