
Today was beautiful and sunny so me and my husband (yes I actually managed to make him go with me) went to 3rd street and then to the beach. It's always so windy by the sea, it makes me forget that the sun is really strong here, result: I now have a tan for the first time since I moved here! *Yes*
When I went home over xmas (I moved here in Oct.), everbody was all like "Why don't you have a tan? Don't you ever sunbathe?"
Well, I got news for ya, even if the sun is shining, people don't lie on the beach in November and the water's pretty cold by then too, AND I actually have a job (I'm sure you can tell with all the shopping that I work full time right?), so I didn't have time to go to the beach that much.
Plus, Californians are like, ridiculously health conscious and most of them try to stay out of the sun as much as possibly, that is, if they aren't so rich that they can just have surgery to get rid of rinkles and spots caused by the sun, then they just don't give a crap.
Now on the other hand, when spring is coming and my legs are still bright enough to glow in the dark, I really feel it's time to go to the beach a little more, or at least lay out on our roof terrace before going to work in the morning :) It's so nice up there, overlooking West LA, even nicer in the evening.
Picture copyright: Henry Chea
At 04:36,
Anonymous said…
Vi var ganska ensamma på Santa Monica Beach den 12 december =)
At 08:21,
Mim said…
emmisen: Ja, jag kan tanka mig det :)
At 10:19,
Anonymous said…
Two words: Lucky you!
At 15:44,
Anonymous said…
Skönt att LA-borna är lite mer hälsosamma än svenskar som pressar sig till döds i solen på sommaren! Okej, vi har ju bara sol tre månader om året (typ) men ändå! Jag vill inte bli en skrynkeltant när jag blir stor - sola med måtta! Wow, jag är hur som helst sjukt avis på dig som bor over there!! Cooolt!
At 10:57,
Mim said…
lolita: I know :)
cicci: Ja, aven om jag kanner mig fraschare med en solbranna sa anvander jag anda solskydd varje dag, som sagt, skrykeltant vill ingen va!
At 23:10,
Anonymous said…
Åh vill oxå sola :)
At 04:34,
Consonus said…
Vad använder du för solskydd?
Om man lyckas hitta en bra och snygg solhatt så tycker jag nog att det är bästa lösningen (för ansiktet iaf). Om man inte har en bra kräm kan man luras att tro att man har skydd och så bränner man sig ändå... :( Egen erfarenhet har lärt mig detta.
/En annan "Simply me"
At 10:05,
Mim said…
consonus: Jag vet, det ar saaa latt att branna sig, jag anvander spf 50, en speciell for ansiktet och en for kroppen och det tar anda! Sa man far passa sig :)
At 07:50,
Consonus said…
Spf 50, oj oj oj! Stark sol med andra ord...
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