Ok, so I'm actually several people, well almost, I have use 3 different names in my daily life: First, my real name which I'm not about to reveal here, I'll just use my online blogger name "Mimi", which I chose very quickly when I was replying to a comment in a blog. Then there's my Starbucks-name "Jessica" that I use when I order at Starbucks *dah*, book tables at resturants and simply tell people that I don't want to give out my real name to :) The reason I got a Starbucks-name is because nobody ever gets my name on the first try, EVER!!! It's just so much easier to give them a name that they know, so I chose Jessica cuz I like the way it sounds in English (Hope you don't mind, Jess! Imitation is the purest form of admiration *s*)
So if you meet "Jessica" in the club next weekend, don't ask for my real name, you'll just be confused ;)
So if you meet "Jessica" in the club next weekend, don't ask for my real name, you'll just be confused ;)
At 09:05,
Anonymous said…
Vad är ditt riktiga namn som är så svårt för de engelsktalande att förstå? (Jag respekterar förstås ifall du inte vill ge ut det på internet).
At 09:07,
Anonymous said…
Åh förlåt, jag läste inte början av inlägget så noga.
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