Ok, seriously, I just saw a commercial for this new show called, hold on to your computer chair, "Honey, we're killing the kids"! Say what?? Is this some twisted spin on Rick Moranis 2 decades too late? No, its about food of course, apparently 1 in 3 american kids develop diabetes! Dude, 1 in 3!!! That's a lot man! I see so many parents spoiling their kids. Just the other day I saw this kid lay down on the floor in the grocery store and CRY because his mom wanted to buy broccoli! Un-freakin-believable! Want to hear something even worse? 10 mins later I saw the same kid carrie a box of donuts and put it in the cart....great broccoli replacement... I'm so gonna feed my kids vegetables and keep McDonalds a secret....yeah kid, you'll thank me in 30 years.
At 13:37,
Anonymous said…
OMG! That's god awful! Please write more about this important topic.
At 09:33,
Anonymous said…
More vegetables for the people! :)
Hittade din sida när jag googlade. Roligt att hitta en svensk i det underliga landet USA och som har ungefär lika stort klädintresse som en själv.
Jag har hört av en del vänner som varit i USA att kostkunskapen där borta är lite skev...
Tips på en bra sida om bra mat, skräpmat och barn:
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