The journey to Los Angeles
The reason we ended up moving to LA (even though we both love Sweden) is partially because my husbands family is here and well, I love to travel and have always wanted to live abroad so in October last year we packed our bags and left for the States. Not quite as simple as it sounds, I can assure you...
The work started last winter when we started looking for ways for me to get in to USA, it is sooo difficult, I'll tell you that! The easiest way seemed to be getting married, now don't get this wrong: We love each other and would have gotten married anyway, just maybe not so early. But even as husband and wife it's really hard, I went through months of forms to fill in, trips and interviews at the embassy in Stockholm, doctors exams at the embassy's special doctor, x-rays, more forms to fill in, DNA and fingerprints were taken etc.
Note that this is to get a greencard which allows me to work, go to school or whatever I want to do here in the US, BUT if I mess up (commit a crime) they can take my greencard away and ban me from ever coming back (trust me, they make sure to let you know that THEY have the power). I also have to carry my greencard everywhere I go, otherwise I can get kicked out.
It is however easier to get a student VISA from Sweden, not at all as complicated as what I had to go through.
The work started last winter when we started looking for ways for me to get in to USA, it is sooo difficult, I'll tell you that! The easiest way seemed to be getting married, now don't get this wrong: We love each other and would have gotten married anyway, just maybe not so early. But even as husband and wife it's really hard, I went through months of forms to fill in, trips and interviews at the embassy in Stockholm, doctors exams at the embassy's special doctor, x-rays, more forms to fill in, DNA and fingerprints were taken etc.
Note that this is to get a greencard which allows me to work, go to school or whatever I want to do here in the US, BUT if I mess up (commit a crime) they can take my greencard away and ban me from ever coming back (trust me, they make sure to let you know that THEY have the power). I also have to carry my greencard everywhere I go, otherwise I can get kicked out.
It is however easier to get a student VISA from Sweden, not at all as complicated as what I had to go through.
At 14:15,
Anonymous said…
Ett greencard är väl motsvarigheten till upphållstillstånd i Sverige eller? Hur fixar man medborgarskap? Om man får ett student visa, är det bara för typ tre månader då eller hur länge man nu går i skolan där? Oooo, vilken process!
At 14:17,
Anonymous said…
Just det skulle ju fråga en helt annan sak! De böckerna som Sophie Kinsella (Shopaholic) skrivit under psudenoym (Madeleine Wickham) har du läst dem? Kan du rekommendera dem också isf?? :)!
At 20:02,
Mim said…
cicci: greencard ar som uppehallstillstand, ja. For att fa amerikanskt medborgarskap maste jag ge upp mitt svenska (valdigt fa lander tillater att man har bada). Min man kan ha bade svenskt och amerikanskt eftersom han ar fodd har, men jag maste valja och jag valjer svenskt :)
Har bara last bockerna hon skrivit som Sophie Kinsella, men ar nyfiken pa de andra. Sag att du hade bestallt en sa du far ge en liten recension :)
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