
So tonight me and H went to see Transformers. H had been watching the cartoon when he was a kid, and thus had high hopes for the movie, me on the other hand, having barely heard of Transformers except from my friends and co-workers that had seen the movie and they said it was "awesome!!!"
Well, it sucked b*lls to be quite honest! It was the cheesiest Americanized crap I've ever seen!
I can count the times I laughed on 1 hand (and that includes the times I laughed at what I thought were jokes about how they exaggerated the American patriotism, but a quick look around and I noticed a bunch of angry faces telling me it was certainly not a joke and America is awesome!) but I can't even count all the times that I rolled my eyes on both of my hands, it was ridiculous! With comments like "I would sacrifice myself to save this world" (in a robot-voice) and "You're a soldier now!" (in a time-to-save-your-country-and-be-a-military-hero-voice), I was begging for the end to come...*yuck*
Pics: Yahoo
At 02:23,
Anonymous said…
haha...gött! :P dom snacka om den på radio nyssens, å den har visst fått allt från toppbetyg till totalsågad. men så va de ju dedär med olika tycke å smak... :) saknar dig! bredband beställt, dator ej inhandlad...snart! pusspuss!
At 02:17,
Anonymous said…
Haha, låter kanske inte så bra :-/ Men det är ju så med amerikanska filmer... väldigt patriotiska och "amerikanska". Lite fånigt.
At 10:16,
Johan C. Svensson said…
Jag har fortfarande Ultra-Magnus i min bokhylla. Hur många nördpoäng? Någon?
At 20:47,
Mim said…
kicki: Jo, det ar val det dar med personlig smak :) Bredband ar en bra bit pa vag! Saknar dig!
maria: Joda, jag har gjort det anda sen jag flyttade hit, bl a at DonnaSandra och Engla :)
christine: Jo, lite hade man ju anda forvantat sig...
johan: Det blir full pott dar du :) Haha!
At 12:29,
Anonymous said…
I can tell you moved your blog, so odds are you won't see this comment. Men lat mig saga forst att jag foddes ock vaxte upp i Sverige, immigrerade till USA nar jag far 23, varvade mig i Armen har ock tillbringade 26 ar som en soldat. Second, I also thought the Transformer movie sucked. Tre, jag tror inte att Amerikansk patriotism ar lojlig. De ar bara mer "outspoken" om det. Jag har personligen sett bade kvinnor ock man som har dott for sitt land, sa det ar inte bara ord for manga av dem. And finally fourth, you certainly have the right to live wherever you want, but why do you live here if you feel "Americanism" is bad? If it is strictly to further a career as an actress, don't you think it is a little wrong to capitalize on the most "American" thing there is (Hollywood) while holding it in a certain amount of contempt. Tony (
At 00:16,
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