Virginia Tech
We've been watching the video over and over again at work today, it's clear that he was seriously disturbed but that doesn't make it any less tragic, unbelievable...sad. I can't help but thinking about Anna Lindh, another victim of a mentally messed up man who couldn't control himself or get help. The mind is such a powerful killer.
Emily J. Hilscher
Ryan C. Clark
Ross Abdallah Alameddine
Brian Bluhm
Austin Cloyd
Matthew Gwaltney
Caitlin Hammaren
Jeremy Herbstritt
Rachael Elizabeth Hill
Matthew La Porte
Jarrett Lane
Henry Lee
Partahi Lumbantoruan
Lauren Ashley McCain
Minal Panchal
Daniel Patrick O'Neil
Juan Ramón Ortiz
Daniel Pérez Cueva
Erin Peterson
Michael Steven Pohle, Jr
Julia Pryde
Mary Karen Read
Reema Joseph Samaha
Waleed Shaalan
Leslie Sherman
Maxine Turner
Nicole White
Christopher James Bishop
Jocelyn Couture-Nowak
Kevin Granata
Liviu Librescu
G.V. Loganathan
Emily J. Hilscher
Ryan C. Clark
Ross Abdallah Alameddine
Brian Bluhm
Austin Cloyd
Matthew Gwaltney
Caitlin Hammaren
Jeremy Herbstritt
Rachael Elizabeth Hill
Matthew La Porte
Jarrett Lane
Henry Lee
Partahi Lumbantoruan
Lauren Ashley McCain
Minal Panchal
Daniel Patrick O'Neil
Juan Ramón Ortiz
Daniel Pérez Cueva
Erin Peterson
Michael Steven Pohle, Jr
Julia Pryde
Mary Karen Read
Reema Joseph Samaha
Waleed Shaalan
Leslie Sherman
Maxine Turner
Nicole White
Christopher James Bishop
Jocelyn Couture-Nowak
Kevin Granata
Liviu Librescu
G.V. Loganathan
At 02:00,
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