Not hot!
Ok, can anyone, anyone, point out what's hot about this girl??? She looks like a 65-year-old woman with fried her and too big shoes! Not to mention the more serious part, she's obviously sick, you never get well from an eating disorder, it's always there and when your shoes are wider than your legs, you need help!

Pics: The skinny website

Pics: The skinny website
At 01:28,
Anonymous said…
Jag har aldrig förstått storheten med henne (vet inte ens vad hon heter, för att jag blandar ihop syrrorna) och kommer aldrig att göra det.
At 08:21,
Mim said…
muym: Inte jag heller! Visst, harborta ar de jattestora se dagen de klev in i "Huset fullt" och visst, de "startade" boho-stilen, men NU? Jag kanner igen MK for att hon (oftast) ar mycket trashigare an Ash...
At 10:37,
Anonymous said…
OMG!!! That girl needs serious help!!!
At 09:44,
Mim said…
anonymous: She does, so bad! I just hope she'll realize it herself soon...
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