O.C says goodbye!

So right now the very last episode of O.C is on FOX and I'm not even watching...
I stopped watching halfway into the last season when I noticed I wasn't really paying attention, now, I will see these last few episodes eventually, just to find out how it ends, but my interest is pretty much gone!
I think "Sex and the City" quit just in time, I think "Friends" quit just in time, I think "O.C" could have quit 2 seasons ago and everybody would have still been happy, they were way overdo!
Well, whatever, Adam is still hot and I'll be keeping an eye on him, and Rachel is still one of my favorite fashionistas and I imagine I'll still love her clothes, but otherwise, O.C ends here.
Pics: Yahoo
At 01:00,
Anonymous said…
Är också ett stort fan av O.C, trist att serien ska läggas ner!
At 14:13,
El said…
Du har rätt. När man börjar tappa intresset har de dragit ut på det för länge. Man ska sluta när man är på topp.
At 19:06,
Mim said…
Amanda: Ja, fast jag tycker som sagt att det var i rattan tid.
ellen: Ja, jag tycker det :)
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