Haircut mishap
I didn't actually get my haircut today, so I guess that gives me a few more days to figure out how I want it. Anyway, this is what happened: About half an hour before my appointment I started feeling sick and my stomach was really hurting, but I thought it'd be ok so I decided to go anyway, but during the walk to the hair salon I got worse and by the time I got there it felt like I had no blood in my head at all and I was just feeling really ill, like I was gonna pass out any second so all I could do was call a taxi to take me home again. Yes, it sucks, I don't wanna waste my money on a taxi (esp. not one that drove the wrong way 3 times before making it to my door!) and I wouldn't have if I wasn't so sure I wasn't gonna make it halfway home without collapsing...Oh well, haircut next week instead...
At 14:13,
therese edberg said…
usch då. hoppas du mår bättre! kanske menat att du inte ska klippa dej...har du tänkt på de;)
At 15:35,
Mim said…
joo-mee: Ja, idag mar jag battre och har tankt lite pa om det ar ett tecken liksom... hmmm usch jobbigt!
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