Time for some good news!
Yay, we finally finally finally, after EIGHT LONG MONTHS of searching, calling, emailing people and looking at crap shack after crap shack, we... found... an apartment!!!
It's been insane, let me tell ya, finding a decent-sized apt that accepts pets in Santa Monica is a bitch! But yesterday, we went to look at this 1 bed/1 bath on 12th st (sooo close to the beach and 3rd st!) and it was really nice :) hardwood floors all the way (very unusual since basically everyone has carpet). walk-in-closet, huge windows and the piece de resistance: Washer and dryer in the apartment!!! Now we're spending about $20/month on laundry which might not sound like a lot but it adds up fast!
It's in a really nice neighbourhood too! Palm trees along the street and grass everywhere :)
I'm so happy! hihi!
It's been insane, let me tell ya, finding a decent-sized apt that accepts pets in Santa Monica is a bitch! But yesterday, we went to look at this 1 bed/1 bath on 12th st (sooo close to the beach and 3rd st!) and it was really nice :) hardwood floors all the way (very unusual since basically everyone has carpet). walk-in-closet, huge windows and the piece de resistance: Washer and dryer in the apartment!!! Now we're spending about $20/month on laundry which might not sound like a lot but it adds up fast!
It's in a really nice neighbourhood too! Palm trees along the street and grass everywhere :)
I'm so happy! hihi!
At 04:11,
Anonymous said…
ååh, jag är inte alls avundsjuk, inte alls! GRATTIS =)GUD VAD KUL!
At 06:35,
Anonymous said…
GRATTIS snuttepluttan! :D va glad ja blir för eran skull!! äntligen! men ja undrar ju också över den där andra bra grejjen du mumlade om...? :) när hörs vi nu då? pusspuss!
At 09:43,
Mim said…
emelie: Hihi! Tack sa mycket! Det kanns jatteharligt att antligen ha hittat nat :)
kicki: Tack alskling! Den andra grejen kommer snart... Fick du inte mitt sms? Jaja, ar du hemma mandag kvall kanske vi kan horas da? Puss!
At 11:43,
El said…
Congrats girl!
I'm so happy for you!
At 14:03,
Anonymous said…
sms? nej... :( hm, skumt.. måndag är ja hemma efter 9! :) nu va de nåt som töntade sig me micken här, men de ska ja allt ordna tills dess! pusspuss!
At 03:54,
Anonymous said…
Vad kul! Det var ju roliga nyheter. Har förstått att det inte är helt lätt att hitta en bra lägenhet i USA. När flyttar ni då?
At 05:45,
Anonymous said…
Grattis, va kul!!!
At 08:42,
Mim said…
ellen: Thanks hun!
kicki: Inte det nej... Jag fick ingen leverans rapport sa jag visste inte om det gick fram... jaja. Jag ringer pa mandag sa fixar vi det :)
muym: Nej, helt latt har det verkligen inte varit, men nu flyttar vi om 2 veckor! Ska bli underbart att bo sa nara stranden :)
lindis: Tack gumman!
cilly_cicci: Tack alsklingen! Jag hoppas hoppas hoppas det blir bra :) Ska forsoka ringa dig pa mandag! Pusspuss!
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