About Me
- Name: Mim
- Location: Göteborg, Sweden
After spending the past 6 years in sunny Los Angeles, I have decided to move back home to Sweden, forever thought of as that dark and cold country in the north. My friends think I'm crazy, for who could possibly choose snow and ice over beaches and palmtrees? Well, let me show you why you should come visit!
At 01:29,
therese edberg said…
ah vilken sötnos!!!
At 02:54,
Consonus said…
Fluffet var fint! Men ser inte kissen lite ledsen ut?
At 05:45,
M said…
oh-em-gee that´s so adorable!
At 08:05,
Anonymous said…
Har själv två perserkillar här hemma, söta som bara den och hårar som f*n men jag bara älskar dom.
At 14:41,
Frida said…
underbar =)
At 00:23,
Mim said…
joo-mee: Jaa visst ar den!
consonus: Jo, lite ledsen, men oj sa gullig :)
misha: Visst vill man bara krama!
nettan: Kan tanka mig att de harar ganska rejalt, men det ar det ju vart :)
frida: I know! Sa sot!
At 05:10,
Anonymous said…
Naaw, vad söt :)
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